Snapchat AR Lenses

Snapchat AR Lenses

With over 300 million daily users, Snapchat is a major platform for digital marketing. Snapchat AR Lenses present an opportunity for your company to reach that massive audience, using augmented reality to advertise more effectively and engagingly compared to traditional marketing tactics. With branded AR Lenses, your company can conduct marketing campaigns, advertise products, and generate brand awareness in a fun, interactive way.


Why Snapchat?

As an industry leader in augmented reality technology, Snapchat is an ideal platform for AR-based marketing. Offering precise full body, wrist, and foot tracking, Snap camera ranks among the best performing AR technology in the mass market today. Snapchat is a firmly entrenched player in the social media landscape, with companies such as Googleintegrating the Snap camera into their smartphone design. The launch of Snap's newest creative studioArcadia, focused entirely on creating branded AR Lens content, signals the potential Snap sees for AR-based marketing. Your own branded AR Lens enables your company to create unique digital advertising and shopping experiences within the Snapchat platform. 

Beyond Snap’s internal push toward developing branded AR Lenses, Snapchat users are eager to receive AR content. Snapchatters are using its AR Lenses more than ever, as engagement with AR features increased by40% in the first quarter of 2021. Over half of surveyed consumers believe AR will play an active role in shopping in the near future; 83% agreed that AR features would improve their shopping experience. 


Snapchat is particularly well-suited for AR advertising because of the core app design. The camera serves as the "home base" of the app and the primary means by which users engage with the app's features, in line with Snap's philosophy that"the camera is the keyboard." Branded AR Lenses on Snapchat, therefore, are the best way for your brand to engage with an enormous and important demographic. 

Widely reaching a young audience 

Not only are Snapchat users primed for AR content, but Snapchat's user base comprises a highly coveted demographic.65% of U.S. internet users ages 15-29 are on Snapchat, and Snapchat generally reaches over 75% of the millennial and Gen Z population in the U.S. Of Snapchat's 306 million active daily users, 200 million use Snapchat's AR features daily; compared to older generations, millennial and Gen Z users are71% more likely to use AR. With 200 million daily AR users, the majority of whom are between the ages of 15-29, Snapchat users form an important demographic in the digital marketplace.


Snapchat's AR features are especially effective at generating interest from young consumers. Advertising with augmented reality allows your brand to invest early in a demographic whose purchasing power will only grow over time. Consumers who are interested in AR content make up an increasing share of the market; it’s up to companies to adjust their marketing strategies accordingly. 


Advertising with AR

With industry-leading AR technology and a massive user base that's excited by augmented reality content, Snapchat is the ideal platform to begin advertising with AR. The effectiveness of AR marketing is well-documented: products promoted with AR content have a94% higher conversion rate than products without, and using AR in advertising increases purchase intent bynearly 2.5x. In one case, six out of every ten users who engaged with an AR Lens bought the associated product. With conversion rates as high as 60% and a significant boost in purchase intent, AR is clearly an important medium for the future of advertising.


In fact, several companies are already on the ball of AR advertising. 2020 sawsix times as many companies using AR compared to the year prior, and 75% of business leaders plan to utilize AR and VR in their respective companies by 2023. QReal has already designed over a hundred and fifty AR Lenses for a wide variety of brands, ranking among the most prolific AR Lens creators for Snapchat.


Market research and consumer habits both confirm the enormous potential for AR-based marketing. Advertising with AR allows access to sizable and important demographics, offers significant conversion rates, and creates purchase intent to degrees that fully eclipse traditional advertising. Snapchat in particular is the ideal platform for advertising with AR, as Snapchat Lenses are a well-established feature of the app with over 200 million daily users. With QReal, you can reap the benefits of this cutting-edge and highly effective form of marketing by creating your own branded AR Lens for Snapchat. Embark on the next generation of advertising today!