

Snickers is taking Snapchat lenses to the next level by capturing the hilarity of 'Rookie Mistakes' made when hunger strikes during NFL watch parties. This innovative lens uses face augmentation to humorously depict common blunders made by fans, making it a must-try for NFL enthusiasts and snack lovers alike.



Imagine boasting about your tolerance for ghost pepper wings, only to have your Snapchat lens show your face turning red, sweating, and steaming, complete with alarm bells – all the tell-tale signs of a rookie mistake. Or a picture changing the channel before a big play and having your face morph into an expression of disgust. These are just a few scenarios that QReal’s Snickers Snapchat lens brings to life.



The lens randomizes situations like forgetting to set your fantasy lineup, showing a horrified expression, or wearing a rival jersey to the watch party, which transforms your face into one of surprise. Each scenario ends with the 'Rookie Mistake' tag, adding a playful twist to your Snapchat experience.



Thanks to QReal's expertise, Snickers successfully integrated Snapchat’s AR technology into its branding strategy, proving the effectiveness of interactive digital experiences in fostering customer relationships. This Snickers Snapchat lens is not just an amusing feature; it's a clever marketing tool that intertwines Snickers' branding with the excitement of NFL games. It demonstrates the creative potential of Snapchat lenses in advertising, offering an engaging and interactive way for brands to connect with their audience. Snickers’ venture into AR worlds through Snapchat is more than just a marketing tactic; it's a testament to the brand's dedication to staying ahead in the digital era. Are you ready to explore how AR can transform your brand's engagement with consumers?

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